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Meet The Crew - Tyler
Name: Tyler Gossett Job Title: That kitchen guy Favorite Rasta Menu Item: Tacos Favorite Song at the Moment: Bound by Kanye West Would you ever do a reality show? If so, which on? Sure, that Bear Grylls one. Describe yourself in three words: Ice cold stone.
click to continueRasta Taco® Visuals
We’re working on some new visuals for you. In the meantime, take a look at this video we shot at an event. We’re always thrilled to hear what our customers have to say about Rasta Taco® once they have tried one of our awesome tacos! Don’t forget, ...
click to continueFlashback Friday: Rasta Taco®
Chocolate Empandas should be enjoyed on a regular basis. Rasta Taco® + The Know = Wedding Taco Catering Grand Opening in Pasadena! Homemade Churros. Delicious! Rasta Taco® Ad in the LA Mag.
click to continue2014 Nikon Surf Photo Finalist
PHOTO TAKEN BY LUKE SHADBOLT. If you head over to Club of the Waves, you’ll find the finalist for the 2014 Nikon Surf Photo of the Year! Each and every photo is so rad. Luke Shadbolt was the winner this year with the awesome photo you see above. Be sure to check them all out!
click to continueFlashback Friday
We’re switching up things this Friday with a collection of Flashback Friday photos. Check ’em out. Do you have some to share?
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